TAB Program
TAB provides free technical assistance to communities and other stakeholders with brownfields redevelopment efforts including free workshops, webinars, online training, and e-tools.
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Brownfields Inventory Tool (BiT)
The Brownfield Inventory Tool (BiT) is a FREE, online, comprehensive site inventory and brownfields program management tool. BiT was designed especially for users working under an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) cooperative agreement, but any entity working on establishing a site inventory database will find BiT useful in consolidating environmental and administrative information from sites in multiple programs.
TAB EZ is a FREE online tool intended to streamline and simplify the grant writing process when applying for EPA brownfields multipurpose, assessment, revolving loan fund, and cleanup grants. TAB EZ is very user friendly, offers helpful hints for addressing application requirements, and links to additional resources.
Use TAB EZ by logging into your TAB account and selecting 'TAB EZ' under Online Tools.
TAB EZ 2023 Grant Outlines
Grant outlines for 2023 have been released! You can find out more here and start your grant application template today. TAB EZ now supports Community-Wide Assessments, Community-Wide Assessments for States and Tribes, Cleanup, Multipurpose, Coalition Assessments and Revolving Loan Fund.
ACRES Interface Updates Coming Soon
The BiT ACRES Interface is in the process of receiving updates to bring it into sync with the latest ACRES changes.